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Florist Shoppe

Challenge: Develop a responsive web app that helps users to order fresh and unique arrangement style for their home to decorate or gift for their loved ones.

Deliverables: User pain points, persona, user journey map, Sitemap, wireframes, Prototypes, usability study, Takeaways.

Role: UX/UI designer

Product Overview
The goal

Design a trendy florist website to give the user many options to choose unique and different flower arrangements by providing the choice of custom bouquets.



Conducting Interviews, paper and digital wireframes, low and high fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, iterating on design and responsive design.


User research

I conducted user interviews and created empathy maps to understand the targeted users and their needs. Many targeted users want Fresh and unique floral arrangement for themselves or gifts for their loved ones.

After conducting the research, I discovered that users are also overwhelmed with the options provided. This experience caused a joyful experience to become challenging for them, overcoming the purpose of excitement.


 pain points
                                 Exclusive                                                                    Choices                                                                        Time                        
User journey map

I created a user journey map for Rose’s experience using the site to help identify possible pain points and improvement opportunities.

Paper wireframes

Consider the website wireframes designed the mobile wireframes by adding the functionality with different design by providing the mobile version.

Digital wireframes

Created digital wireframes based on the research and pain points. Providing additional options to give the user a pleasant experience of ordering the flowers.

Digital wireframe screen size variation(s)

By considering content, design, performance across the devices to ensure the usability.

Low-fidelity prototype

Connected all the screens involved in the primary user flow of adding items to cart and checking out. Implemented the several buttons to user friendly navigation.


Based on the insights of usability study provided shipping to different address options for the users.

Provided easy navigation for custom made bouquets for user friendly experience.

                    Before usability study                                                                                       After usability study

Mobile Mockups


High-fidelity prototype

High-fidelity prototype as the same flow with additional options included after the usability study.


Impact: Target users shared the design was user-friendly to order flowers for their desire.

What I learned: Iteration of the design gives more empathy to the user by improving the navigation of the flow.

Next steps

Conduct the Usability study for to improve the user navigation.

Ideate new features to improve.

Ideate to improve the accessibility of the website.

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